Finance Resources

Below you can download a number of financial publications from Camden Council, CamdenCEN, new economics foundation, NESTA and the New Philanthropy Capital. For further information on any of the publications you have downloaded here, please visit the respective website by clicking on the links.

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Understanding the demand for and supply of social finance: Research to inform the Big Society Bank

This report, one in a series of three, aims to set out the nature of current and future demand for capital from social finance intermediaries and to develop an understanding of the mix of financing the Big Society Bank will need to support

© Published: April 2011, New Philanthropy Capital and NESTA.

Investing for the good of society: Why and How Wealthy Individuals Respond

This publication is one in a series of three that sets out what we have learned about the social investment market through the Big Society Finance Fund – its current nature and its potential for growth. This report presents compelling evidence which shows that many of the more affluent wealthy individuals (over £100k of investment assets) can be motivated to try social investments.

© April 2011, Fairbanking Foundation with Ipsos MORI and NESTA

Twenty Catalytic Investments to Grow the Social Investment Market

This publication is one in a series of three and provides recommendations for catalysing the development of the social investment market.

© April 2011, NESTA

Supporting and Investing in Camden's Voluntary and Community Sector

These PowerPoint slides by Camden Council look at the proposed package in Camden for the councils investment and support programme.

© January 2011, Camden Council

Growing the Social and Investment Market: A Vision and Strategy

This document sets out the government's vision of a thriving social investment market where social ventures can access the capital they need to grow, allowing them to do more to help build a bigger, stronger society. It sets out a strategy for achieving the vision, explaining how the government and others can act, including the key role of the Big Society Bank as a wholesale investor and champion of the market

© 2011, Crown copyright Cabinet Office

Preparing for Cuts: How funders should support charities in a world of government cuts and changing funding structures

In this report, NPC looks at how funders can respond to changing funding environments and support charities through the challenging times ahead.

© October 2010, New Philanthropy Capital. All rights reserved

CamdenCEN briefing: Voluntary and Community Sector Spending review

This briefing by CamdenCEN in October 2010, looks at some of the key points for the Voluntary and Community Sector in Camden in light of the government's plans to conduct a detailed spending review of the sector.

© October 2010, Camden Community Empowerment Network

Voluntary and Community Sector Spending Review: Key FAQ's

In October 2010, Camden Council produced this factsheet which sought to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the proposed VCS spending review in Camden.

© October 2010, Camden Council

Voluntary and Community Sector Review: Consultation document, September 2010

This is the consultation document that set out Camden council's understanding of what the local VCS does for Camden, what role the council has in making sure that impact is as strong as it can be, and setting out a range of options for how the council can change to keep this alive in a time of reduced funding for all parties. The consultation ended on the 24th November 2010.

© 2010 Communities and Third Sector Team, London Borough of Camden

A Bit Rich:Calculating the real value to society of different professions

In this report nef calculates the value to society of a number of different jobs and advocates a fundamental rethink of how the value of work is recognised and rewarded.

© December 2009 nef (the new economics foundation)

Public Spending for Public Benefit: How the public sector can use its purchasing power to deliver local economic development

A guide to public procurement, produced by the new economics foundation, which draws on five years engagement with policy makers and practitioners to show how local authorities and other public bodies can use their purchasing power to promote local economic development.

© July 2005 nef (the new economics foundation)

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